satirical cartoons and other Animals

A place where I can go and tell my troubles to, spill my guts, and vent my splean

Thursday, March 17, 2005

Cartoon Styles

When I was a boy, living in a village 4 miles north of Doncaster, South Yorkshire, I dreamt of being a footballer (Soccer player to the non educated!!!). I used to have comics and read the story lines about a star striker or a world class goalkeeper or even the greatest team that ever was assembled in print. The cartoon type illustrations were a massive step up from those in the dandy and the Beano, not to mention topper, I thought I said not to mention that comic. Anyhow there were many comics that portryed the boyhood dream of rags to riches, being a famous footballer. The most famous of these was probably Roy of the Rovers, there were many more. These next drawings are a tribute to the illustrators of those comics.


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